Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How to make a person bald!

This is kind of funny tutorial, but very interesting. How to make a person bald like this.

Bald effect Original

To this.

Bald Effect

So lets get started

Step 1-

Fist open the image of the person you want to make bald.

Bald Effect step 1

Step 2-

Now zoom at the hairs because you need to select them.

Bald effect step 2

Select them either using Pen Tool (Best Option) or using Magnetic Lasso Tool (Be careful during selecting using this tool because it is dependent on colors)

Bald effect step 2

Step 3-

I have used Pen Tool

pen tool using

pen tool using

Step 4-

Now press Ctrl + J (Shortcut for copying the selection into different layer) and paste it on a new layer i.e. "Layer 1". Then hide the duplicate layer.

duplicate bald effect

Select the background layer.

background image

Step 5-

Now select the Clone Stamp Tool

clone stamp tool

Now choose a point like I've choosen in the image and do Alt + Click over there and start using Clone Stamp Tool over the hairs.

clone image

I've cloned the hairs, as you can see in the image.

bald effect

Step 6-

Now again make the duplicate layer visible.

make layer visible

Now you have to do selection again, but this time do it inside the hairline as the selection will be the bald scalp, so it has to be inside hairline only.

hairline selection

Step 7-

Now press Ctrl + Alt + I (to invert the colors, but you must be on the duplicate layer) and then press Delete

invert colors

And your image will look like this. The hairs are removed little bit and rest will become scalp. Press Ctrl + D to deselect.

color inverted image

Step 8-

Now, select Spot Healing Tool (J).

spot healing tool

Select pixels from forehead by doing Alt + Click to reduce the remaning hairs into sclap.

spot healing using

And it will look like this. Remember one thing, do it slowly or you will ruin it and your efforts will be wasted.

scalp spot healing

Step 9-

Now, select Sharpen Tool (R)

sharpen tool

Now use it over your image so that it looks like the person has very small hairs.

bristly look

Step 10-

Now make a selection of scalp as shown in the image below. After that press Ctrl + J again to duplicate the layer.

bald scalp selection

Now place Layer 2 below Layer 1 like this.


Step 11-

Now click on the foreground to select a color.

foreground color

Select the skin color as shown in the image and click OK.

color picker

And the foregound color will become this.

changed foreground color

Step 12-

Now, go to Edit > Fill.

edit fill

Make Use to Foreground Color and click OK.

Edit color filled

And the Foreground color is filled.

color filled

Step 13-

In the next step go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise.

add noise

Now do the settings as shown below and press OK. After that press Ctrl + D

settings for noise

Step 14-

Now make a new layer (shortcut Ctrl + Shift + N) and place it between Layer 1 and Layer 2.

new layer

Now set the foreground color to White

foreground color white

Step 15-

Now select Brush Tool (B). (You can make the brush smaller by using "[" button and bigger by using "]" button)

brush tool

Now just click once or twice on the right side because light is coming from right side. It will add some shine to your scalp.

Shining scalp

And its done. He's Bald Now. [:P]
bald effect

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