Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Glow Effect!

Here's an interesting effect which will make your image look magical. It is a bit difficult from other photoshop effects, but a lot of practice on photoshop will make it easy for you. So lets get started with this effect. Here's a preview
glow effect

Step 1-

First of all open your image and choose Pen Tool (P) and create a spiral path like I have made on this image like this

image 1

Step 2-

After that create a new layer and then select Brush Tool (B) and apply these settings as show in the image below

brush settings

After applying these settings, set your foreground color to white. Then with your path still on the artwork, go back to the Pen Tool, right click on the canvas, and choose "Stroke Path" and a menu will appear with the Brush set as the Tool. Check "Simulate Pressure" and press OK.

Step 3-

Now you need to delete the parts which you want to hide. For hiding them choose Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) to select the area you want to hide.

image 2

After selecting press Delete and that part will be deleted and it will appear as if it is hidden behind that arm. And it will look like this

image 3

Step 4-

Then double click on the layer and apply these settings for Outer Glow

outerglow settings

And these for Inner Glow

innerglow settings

Step 5-

Now to make the sparkles. Choose Brush Tool and make spots around your glowing path with brush size varying between 3px-5px.

sparkles settings

Step 6-

Now to make it more glowing make another path around your glowing path but don't make it same, make it a bit different from your previous path. Take a small brush this time and stroke your path with 50% opacity.

image 5

After that go to Hue Saturation in layer palette and try to make it more bluish.

Step 7-

Now the last part of this effect is to add one more layer of shimmer. Hold Ctrl and click on the main stroked path layer in the layers palette and your path will get selected.Go to Select › Modify › and Expand the selection by 7px, then feather it by 10px.

feather settings

Step 8-

Now select your background photo layer and apply a Plastic Wrap filter, which is in your Artistic filters. This will add some wispy lines around your path. After that set the Highlight Strength to 20, the Detail to 6, and the Smoothness to 8. Finally, lightly Gaussian Blur your background layer with the feathered selection still active.
And its Done!

glow effect

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